Partner Program

Become a Partner

There’s no better way to keep your company in front of Indiana’s community-based mental health centers or stay apprised of key issues facing this community than through Indiana Council’s Partner program. Join other successful suppliers, professional services organizations and consultants as they benefit from the strategic business advantages that our corporate partnership offers.  As a corporate partner, you automatically improve access to mental health center executives from across the state. In addition to valuable networking opportunities, you also are afforded a variety of other important business benefits.

Partner Structure

  • Partner Level – $3,000
    • Exhibiting at 3-quarterly meetings (May, July & October-there is no exhibiting in February)
    • Recognition at all four quarterly meetings
    • Receive Indiana Council newsletters
    • Listed on Indiana Council website
  • Associate Level – $4,000
    • Partner Level benefits +
    • Opportunity to sponsor Cup of Joe with Zoe (at the cost of a $5 Starbucks gift card)
    • Annual e-mail blast sent to CMHC members
    • Invited to one Indiana Council virtual Board meeting per year
  • Executive Level – $6,000
    • Associate Level benefits +
    • Opportunity to be featured in an Indiana Council newsletter
    • One joint social media campaign per year
    • Speaking opportunity at one Indiana Council sponsored webinar per year

Questions? Contact Denise Wade, Chief Administrative Officer at